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Parent Teacher Conferences  February 18 & 20 by Zoom Appointment - See emails for link..
Parent Teacher Conferences
Val-o-grams on sale 2/10-2/12
Kindness Week
Kindness Week
Mathcounts  Competition Participants
Mathcounts Competition Participants

We're proud of our Huskies' endeavors in this intense District math competition!

Hillside Science Fair Winners
Hillside Science Fair Winners

Congratulations and good luck at the District Science Fair February 5th!

News and Announcements

Lion King

Click read more below for week's rehearsal schedule

Notes From the Director

Hey All.

To say this production is in full swing is a massive understatement. Another big week ahead of us with lots of things going on. Please read everything below!

  • REHEARSALS: Remember that the full cast stays for the duration of the full rehearsal every Tuesday. This means that every cast member will be at the school until 5:30PM. 

    • DANCER REHEARSAL for today, 2/10, is officially cancelled. Sorry for the short notice. 

    • SPECIAL PUPPETEER REHEARSAL: There are two special rehearsals scheduled from 4:30PM-5:30PM on Wednesday, 2/26, and Thursday, 2/27. For these rehearsals, a specific set of cast members are required to attend. The list of said cast members has been attached to this email.

Read More about Lion King Director's Notes

Hillside 7th graders will be registering in their Language Arts classes February 3 & 5. For 6th graders, counselors will be visiting schools

Hillside's Open House Video 

For details, registration forms, instructions and school visits schedule, click "see more" below.

Read More about Incoming 6th Graders' Registration Information and 7th Grade Going into 8th Grade Registration Form & Instructions
Husky Den After Schoo Tutoring 2:30-4:30 M-Th

Hillside offers the following programs for academic assistance.

Husky Den After School Tutoring offers help homework help open for all students from 2:30 - 4:30. Various teachers are available as well during this time for academic assistance. There is an activity bus available at 4:30.

Husky Pack is an intervention group that focuses on assisting specific students and connecting with parents, emphasizing attendance, homework, catching up on grades, etc. This group is by invitation only. 

Read More about Academic Assistance: Husky Den After School Tutoring & The Husky Pack