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Lion King Director's Notes

Notes From the Director

Week of January 13

Hey Y'all!

One week down! During the two days of rehearsal last week, the cast did an excellent job learning two different songs in Zulu. I'm super proud of them and can't wait to hear more. Below are all the reminders for this week. Please look at them all!

  • UPDATED SCHEDULE: I apparently did a horrible job of pointing out this information in last week's email so I want to make sure I draw your attention to it now. If you recall back to the parent meeting in September, I informed everyone that the master rehearsal/performance schedule would be updated and reposted January 1st. The new, more detailed schedule is attached to this email AND posted on the musical's website. Please take a look at it and let me know if you have any questions. 

  • DEADLINES: Please make yourself familiar with the deadlines below. 

  • ATTENDANCE: Thank you so much for taking rehearsals seriously! It really helps out a LOT. The stuff below was listed last week but is still included merely for quick reference. 

    • EARLY CHECKOUT: Please minimize these and only do so if it is absolutely necessary as they are very distracting and disrespectful to the rehearsal environment. If you need to check out your child early, remember that you must come into the rehearsal space and do this physically. The rehearsal secretary will always be located at the entrance of the auditorium. I will NOT let your child leave the auditorium/school unless they are leaving with you. Please make sure you communicate with me ahead of time, via email, if you're going to be doing this. 

    • LATE ARRIVAL: Once again, I mostly ask for communication. Please email me ahead of time if your child is going to be late to a rehearsal. When they enter the rehearsal space, they will be required to sign in with the rehearsal secretary. 

That's all I have for this week! Thank you so much for your help and cooperation and please reach out to me with any questions!

Love y'all more than I love my pillow,




The Silent Auction is a huge part of fundraising for the musicals at Hillside. We are looking forward to wonderful donations this year. Please consider helping out with donations! 


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Questions, Sarah Metcalfe, 801-450-0558 or